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Call to undefined function MYSQL_NUM_ROWS()

Call to undefined function MYSQL_NUM_ROWS()

mysql_* functions have been removed in PHP 7. You have to use mysqli_ functions. mysqli_num_rows() Here is an example: $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); $sql = "SELECT `index`, `opendate` FROM open_and_birth GROUP BY `opendate`"; $result...

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How to fix error: inet_e_resource_not_found

How to fix error: inet_e_resource_not_found

if you have the error message same as: error codes like Hmmm… Cannot reach this page: then you can find some details error like: “There was a temporary DNS error. Try refreshing the page. Error Code: INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND” “The connection to the DNS server timed...

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AMPPS install Yetiforce

AMPPS install Yetiforce

default username and password: admin Password1 fix The following errors were found : Required PHP extension not found : intl you need enable php_intl.dll : open php.iini then Change ;extension=php_intl.dll to extension=php_intl.dll (remove the semicolon) Class...

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Transfer WordPress Http to Https Error

Transfer WordPress Http to Https Error

After I install the SSL certificate to the server. I change the then I got these error. If you have the same error with your website. then you have 90% chance to fix it by yourself. error 1: Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004] error 2: Not found [cfn #0005]...

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